
To be honest, this is just an attempt to see if I can get words out of my head and into a form that I can refer to and build on. A chance to try and twist words around in a way that I can actually get them out .. or just spew them out in their twisted and mad way.

Other people may get benefit from it, if they do, that would be an added bonus for them.

I have opinions, thoughts, and rants that often simmer below the surface. These are likely to appear on occasions - a sum of how ranty I get and how quickly/if I can get words from my head and out through my fingers. There are likely to be infrequent updates, and frequent corrections and adjustments to my own learnings and thoughts. In part, it is also to take thoughts and musing away from the likes of facebook to somewhere there are less limitations to who and how things can be read.

There will (or not) be thoughts on ..

  • houses and gardens and the joy they can bring
  • adventures with other people in the great outside
  • computery and open sourcey things
  • maybe other strange musings.

Feel free to find and add the RSS/Atom feeds. I'm playing with and learning how Pelican works, so the look and feel will change.